SAN ANTONIO – As a new school year rushes in parents and and loved ones are rushing to get those much-needed school supplies!
We sent our Melissa Vega out to several stores on a small Back to School shopping trip. The goal was to get the same items at several different stores. Take a look at what we found and the prices below.
Here are the totals:
12 pencils .48 cents
Elmer's glue sticks .50 cents
150 sheets of wide ruled paper .84 cents
1-inch binder $2.88
Total $5.08 (tax included)
8 pencils .47 cents
Elmer's glue sticks .50 cents
150 sheets of wide ruled paper .97 cents
1-inch binder $2.88
Total: $5.22 (tax included)
10 (pre-sharpened pencils ) $1.25
Elmer's glue sticks $1.25
150 sheets of wide ruled paper $1.25
1-inch binder $1.25
Total: $5.41 (tax included)
8 pencils .38 cents
Elmer's glue sticks .50 cents
175 sheets of wide ruled paper .99 cents
Binder (view with pockets) $3.29
Total: $5.60