Lots of companies make debt relief promises on the internet and with slick salespitches, but who can you really trust? And why should you use a company based in Texas?Many Texans are struggling with overwhelming credit card debt and personal loans. The recentpandemic has only made things much worse. But what are the options to eliminate debt withoutbankruptcy and new loans?
Debt Redemption Texas Debt Relief has helped Texans eliminate the stress bought by debt fornearly two decades. Unfortunately, many companies advertise on the internet and even solicitconsumers by sending letters and postcards. The problem is these companies may only belooking after their own best interest, and sometimes people make the mistake of not researchinga company well enough before doing business with them. There is also a comfort level doingbusiness with a company with offices in Texas, while most companies have no Texas locations.By using social distancing, Debt Redemption Texas Debt Relief offers local consultations todiscuss options to resolve debt. However, most consultations are done over the phone, andenrollment can be done without the need to visit an office. It is also important to understand thedifferent types of programs available to people who are having difficulty with overwhelmingdebt.
Debt Redemption Texas Debt Relief is not a lender but rather a debt management agencyspecializing in helping people struggling with $30,000, $50,000 even $100,000 or more in creditcards and personal loans. The advantage of working with Debt Redemption is the company'sability to provide more than one type of debt management program. One option is a traditionalcredit counseling plan, which reduces interest rates. Those looking for a solution to their debtcould complete these programs often in 5 years while lowering their monthly paymentscompared to making high-interest minimum payments. There will not be any savings on theprincipal balances, and some interest will be paid, but the lower rates and shorter time frames aremuch better than paying very high-interest rates for decades.
Another option provided by Debt Redemption Texas Debt Relief is debt negotiation, which isalso referred to as debt settlement. With debt settlement, it is important to use a knowledgeablecompany based in Texas. When done correctly, the programs can leverage consumer protectionlaws afforded to Texas residents to save more money potentially. Out-of-state companies mayoffer “cookie-cutter” programs that do not leverage the extra protection Texas residents can takeadvantage of. Debt settlement programs provide a monthly cost that can be less than halfcompare to making minimum payments in some cases and even lower than credit counselingprograms. The programs can also be estimated to be shorter compared to credit counselingprograms; however, these programs are best suited to those in a moderate to significant financialhardship.
For those who are in financial hardship and cannot afford amount at half compared to makingminimum payments, Debt Redemption Texas Debt Relief has developed an exclusive AdvancedHardship Program. This program can be a great alternative to bankruptcy by leveraging the legalmuscle of an associated top-rated and highly awarded Texas Debt Defense Attorney.Each debt relief method will have advantages and disadvantages, so finding the best option foryour situation is essential. Paying high interest for decades and steal the ability to save forretirement. For example, rather than throwing away $1,000 a month to high interest, getting outof debt, and then putting that money into a mutual fund with a 10% return could yield over$400,000 in 15 years. Earning interest instead of paying interest is the first step to financialfreedom.
If you would like to learn more about your debt relief options in Texas, call 210-502-1099 orvisitdebtredemption.comto schedule a phone or office consultation with a Texas DebtSpecialist. There is no obligation, and you have nothing to lose but your debt!
Debt Redemption Headquarters:
Phone: 210-503-1099.
Address: 40 NE Loop 410, Suite 408, San Antonio, TX 78216